Friday 29 March 2013

Journey to West characters compile!

Quick compile of the 4 main characters in my Journey to the West project.
This also served as an early look of size comparisons to the 4 characters.

Monkey 3D paint over!

Here is the monkey god 3D paint over!
Changed a lot from the concept design since many ppl commented it used to looked like dragon ball Goku :P
Now its more "original" IMO, will further improve it along the way, hehee...

Saturday 23 March 2013

Armoured Guy sculpt practise.

A practice i did recently, still wip for the gloove & shoes...
Of course not forgetting pistol, pouches & watch to make the character more interesting!

Journey To the West - Sifu

Well, this is the last piece of the gang, the SIFU :)

Saturday 16 March 2013

Journey To the West - Sand Monk!

As usual, 1st pass of sand monk concept design.
Will change along the way if 3D model doesn't looks good :\

Wednesday 13 March 2013

KUON CG cinematic!

Just found a link of CG cinematic i did back in 2004 for a game name KUON. \*o*/

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Journey To the West - Pig!

This is the 1st pass Pig design for my little personal project.
Will see how this concept goes with the 3D modeling...

Friday 8 March 2013

WOW fan art challenge.

A character design done for GameArtisans WOW fan art challenge & won 2nd place!

Its up & running!

1st post: Monkey God 1st pass design for my personal animation project!